At shoulder to shoulder counseling center we believe in Probono (giving back to the community) services and sharing the love of Christ with the most vulnerable members of the society. We pull from various expertise/groups of people in the community who embrace the calling to hold someone’s hand in this journey of life. You can volunteer in numerous ways (donations, service, or ministry.) we work with public institutions, faith based, private institutions and marginalized communities.
Leading verse: Proverbs17:19 whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.
To be able to volunteer with us you will attend a training in our center or online conference on the following areas:
- Basic skills of counseling
- Psychological helping
- Christian virtues in helping
- Coping and adjustment
- Trauma healing
Financial policy: the trainings are charged for certificate presentations, T-shirt and registration purposes @5hours-2000 shillings. Once registered trainings will be scheduled and invited accordingly
Click here to download volunteer form.