The Importance of Scripture in Hearing God the Father’s Voice as Your Counselor

It is an incredible occasion to explore the wonderful attribute of God the Father as a counselor in our lives. More often than not for some of us, we triflingly touch on this truth, yet graciously and consistently it runs in our lives. An important reference is the nature of the goodness of God in his sovereignty; it is abounding for all the believer and nonbeliever. You may have heard such statements on various times such as; I don’t know much about God but on this one He showed up,  my intuition can be so correct in dangerous situations, How do I know that I know my gut? Or my Spirit? and so on

God the father cognizes the human soul or psyche; firstly as the creator and secondly as our redeemer through his son Jesus Christ. Allegorically, various verses in the Bible identify Him as a counselor; in the book of (psalm 16:7; 32:8 73:24 33:11), God’s Word serves as a counselor as identified in (psalm 119:24) and in other books (Proverbs 21:30, Isaiah 40; 3, I Corinthians 3:20, Proverbs 19:21) the counsel of God is presented as superior over human wisdom and decisive.

A look at God the Father as a counselor

  • Adam and Eve

The first counseling situation takes place in Genesis 3:3 after the fall.  Adam and Eve had hidden from God because of their shame but God sought them so that he could have a conversation with them. In Genesis 3:21 God covered them with garments of skin from their shame. Even though they could not live in the Holy place they were banished with words of hope; the offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent who lied to them which was a reference to the coming of the second Adam; Christ.

God the Father;

  • Provided hope for them in the difficult situation (Genesis 3:9)
  • He covered their sin/shame (Genesis 3:21)
  • He cared for them  and provided enough counsel so that they could  make informed choices  (Genesis 2:17)
  • He provided a way out for  their disobedience  (Genesis 3:15)
  • The Decalogue in exodus 20:20

This was the moral code given by God to Moses to influence major decision making on how to relate to God and other human beings. From the commandments, it is clear what to obey. Constantly in the entire scriptures, there exists a clear distinction on what should be done and not done

God the Father has;

  • Substantially provided all information you need to be healthy (Deuteronomy 7: 12-15)
  • There is always a way out for you if confused, the scriptures are absolute (Revelation 22:18-19)
  • The verses in the scripture provide guidance, comfort, hope, rebuke, punishment and blessing healing and restoration (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • Elijah the prophet

Two encounters are key in the life of Prophet Elijah when he fled for his life. Having served God faithfully Satan had lost the battle and could do nothing else other than vent on him through his followers.

(1 Kings 19:3) Elijah was afraid and ran for his life when he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” 5 Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep.

 Four events caused by God upheld Elijah in the challenging state; direction from God, feeding by ravens, visit by the angel, and the still whisper from God. From his depressive state, he renewed his energy levels because he ate (was fed), and had the motivation to do God’s work because his master spoke.

God the Father;

 Will sometimes provide temporal help before the ultimate solution in difficult times (1kings 19:1)

Will provide uplifting moments like the touch by the angel in (1 kings 19:4)

 Will keep you from harm (1 Kings 19:4-14)

 Will personally visit with you (1 Kings 19:9-18)

 Will accomplish his will in your suffering so that it produces the good work it was meant to accomplish (2 Kings 1:10)

Jonah the prophet

 God in his sovereignty knew how to approach Jonah metaphorically and help him see the other side of the assignment he was sad about. In Jonah 4:6 God used a plant to help restructure his thoughts on the destruction of Nineveh.

God the Father;

Reached out to Jonah in the only ways he could understand his message (Jonah 4:6). It is a common practice for God to reach out in conversations throughout the Bible, for instance, He reached out to Cain too and discussed the consequences of his actions and what they were bound to bring (Genesis 4:-15)

During the outermost turmoil that Jonah faced God showed up (Jonah 1:11, 4: 4)

Used interesting techniques to get Jonah to interpret the world in a different way (Jonah 4:5-11)

God showed his love not only for Jonah but also to the sinners in Nineveh (Jonah 4:11)

  • Job

Went through great loss, devastation, and physical illness.

This upright man of God lost all he had. His anguish was so great  that even his wife advised, him to “Curse God and die!” (Job 2:9)

Though Job maintained his faithfulness to God throughout his life, he still struggled deeply through the trenches of pain

God the Father;

Engaged with Job, He called Job to a discussion and uplifted his spirit by showing him he was in control (Job 38:1)

Confirmed that only his help is sufficient, he ordered Jobs friends to ask for forgiveness for accusing him (Job 42:7-17)

Removed anyone that sought to displace His righteous counsel (Job 2:9)

As a giver, He restored all that which job lost in battle (Job 42:10-17)

He enriched his spiritual life so that he could see his wonderful counsel (Job 38:1)


Was troubled and battled and in deep despair.

The psalmist explains his pain, fear, loneliness, cry, guilt, and predicament. We also see his huge grief in the loss of his sons in 2 Samuel 12:15-23 and 2 Samuel 12:18-33. In other places, David’s honesty with his weaknesses and prayer to the Lord provides hope for us when we go through difficult situations.

God the Father;

Send his message of hope through his prophets (2 Samuel 12: 1-3)

Forgave and restored him from his sin (Psalm 24:11)

Remembered him and his generations (2 Samuel 7: 4)

He intervened in situations in his life (2 Samuel 15:31-32) 

  • Jesus Christ

 Jesus Himself went through a distressing period before the crucifixion (Mark 14:33-36). Even though his purpose was clear, he was obedient, there was great grief in his soul which related to the prophecy of Isaiah that Christ would be “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” Isaiah 53:3. In all the events that surrounded the cruxificition and ascension of Jesus; the word of God had to be fulfilled. Our lord and savior understood his place in the fulfillment of the scriptures and surrendered in obedience and submission to God the father.

Today we have an assurance that in whatever we face, Jesus understands our weakness and suffering, our greatest times of temptation and despair, because he too traveled that road, yet without sin.

The role of God the father;

3 key events display the presence of God and his sovereign acts during this time

  • Before crucifixion- the purpose His father made him ready for what was ahead of him. various events happened to confirm the presence of God the father in the fulfillment of the great purpose of Jesus;

Angels beheld Jesus (Luke 22:40-44)

Changing of sweat to blood (Luke 22:44)

Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36)

  • After crucifixion- He showed compassion angels attended to him in difficult times to confirm every single word that was prophesied (Mathew 17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke 9:28–36)

Significant events (the curtain was torn, the plague of darkness, and resurrection of death) (Mark 15:33)

Witnessing of the soldiers that Jesus was the son of God

  • Resurrection – God gave victory to his son who had achieved his great mission (Isiah 61:1, Mathew 28)

Fulfillment of the prophecy on the resurrection on the third day(Matthew 28:1-7; Mark 16:1;    Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9)

 The testimony of Jesus that he would be seen again (Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:47)

 Ascension of Jesus Christ Luke 24:50-53

3 great lessons to learn from the wonderful counselor

  • The counsel of God is righteous even in troubled waters
  • God the father understands you and cares about all your worries we should never fail to approach him in our tough times
  • We should open our hearts to his righteous counsel it is always upright and leads to life.

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